Just got back from a bengkel kat Saujana Subang...am sorely reminded of the fact that I still have that very heavy axe hovering over my head...ya, benar u guessed it, my PhD. When, oh when...I whine yet again...no go there sista, not when u are being such a lazy a** and not producing, surely...to this yun will definitely add ' I don care mate!' ala - Catherine Tate!
So caner nk buat I ask? ChiYan is on the right track there...I pray she will continue to be... as for myself, Patsy of AbFab would advise, sagely, 'you 'ave got to get your life back, dahling!'..is there any point at all of disagreeing wit her? None, absolutely...and none must I have...
he he along...i'm only in the 2nd sems...looong way to go...u r nearly there...almost. so what can i say to comfort??? none kot...just maybe..u can do it gurl..
Thanks doll, that does help...tulah kene mengeraskan diri, so easy to get sidetracked, so easy meh...
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