Tuesday, January 23, 2007

The Great Depression - Episode II - A New Beginning

Selamat Tahun Baru, ini yang sebetulnya tahun baru kan? So what happened yea on the weekend...g umah abang li kek Rombau, ada kenduri Aqiqah, quite fun sbb food is great... A pleasure indeed, pastu balik...malam antar opot balik kg. baru, the next day monday, ancaq tak sekolah...cuti awal muharram katanyer, but started early jugak, klas at 8.00? nk clock in lagi, let's not go there, for some reason terasa sangat penat. Ari ni was planning to abiskan that chapter I was well under way yesterday... still feel depressed, I know the reason, must do sumthing 'bout it...must...do...sum'n... Insya Allah, Tahun Baru akan membawa vista yang lebih segar, moga-moga dimudahkan oleh Allah s.w.t. segala urusan dunia & akhirat kami umat muslimin di Tanah Melayu ini


faie_Bo said...

hi there along opot..thanks bg warm welcome to the blogging world..this is where we can express ourselves freely kn..anyway,really nice knowing u n the clan..happy new year..klu ade great depression-episode II, sure ade a new hope-episode III..hang in there..

Anchaq said...

Ahh...my young paduwan is here. Hi faie-bo. What cute nickname. Takder apa sebenarnye faei, not that people r watching pun, saje bosan2 tu lps abbis sume e-mail dbaca (all spam as well, nuthin meaningful), barulah blog. My two cents. Seronok dpat kenkawan seblog. Hope u'll keep on posting, thank u for the support. Jgn nakal2 and u go gurlll!!

M-O-M said...

lemon centrepiec yer???!!! perlu lah kan...anyway, to faie ...its not really free dah this blog world..i meant free from threat whatsoever...sebab few of "serious blogger" dah kena lawsuit for being too loud i presume!!