Monday, December 04, 2006

Hujung minggu yang pendek

The earlier plan was nak cat dinding no 18? Mestilah tak!! Early saturday morning what happen yea? Let me recap, first opot balik, pastu to'ki dapat ayam utan pastu yun masak kurma pastu ambah nak g umah her fren nk gi haji dah, so decided to have lunch kat no 18. So we packed the lunch sume an call mak lang suh masak nasik...My hubby rupenye g nursery carik pokok x story awal2 dah besusun pokok kat porch...the problem is nak cari nice pots to put all of them in...lembaga hasil lah niii...
Sunday morning, yop khoje ngan opah ajak g tgk tanah ambah kat segambut in the pretext of having a breakfast kat pegilah...ader lagi a patch of green kat dalam hutan konkrit yang namanya Ara Damansara or Casa Kiara or whateva...a group of Malaysian Bawean is actually sitting on a gold mine...surrounding area sume valued at 2-3 mil per acre..diorang selamber jer dok buat umah cam squatters padahal tanah sendiri tuh....huh kayo pakcik cam ni
Anyways...that's adult stuff, I just shake my head in disbelief jer...pastu breakfast kat wak manjor kg. baru... pastu there goes my weekend and my dream of painting the exterior walls white! Taun dopan yolah...


M-O-M said...

way to go gal!!! heh heh heh...heard about the trip to one-million-dollar tanah...welcome back to the blogsphere...

unie said...

caner nak bubuh banyak2 gambar ( lebih dari satu gambar) pade satu new post? bole ker?

Anchaq said...

thank you....thank you...!
Hope it lasts though...not easy meh? with all the stuffs needed unstuffing!