A long holiday gone, tak de rase pun holiday. I was in front of the idiot box sampai nak migrain. why do I subject myself to such torture? Tak taulah eden...bosan kot, banyak khoje cam opot tapi idiot writer's bloc pulak, may b tak macam opot. Biasanya holidays kat Malaysia is always about people regrouping at home, so that also meant yang jalan akan sesak. i personally have a mixed feeling about traffic jam. On one hand, mmg la sakit every part of the body bila dikenangkan nak mengharung nye tuh...on the other hand, itulah tanda everyone of us is actually thinking about the same thing, to spend the holidays with the people we care about. So satu arah tujuan, at roughly the same time. does great minds think alike then? Apa pun it is still perlumbaan tetikus...be safe y'all
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