Bad news people!! kene jugak buat phd tu sampai abbis. My wizarding professor have sent me a very angry owl... not a holler yet, but VERY close!! Jadi nampaknya terpaksalah jugak kite teruskan perjuangan ini. Good thing is, I must get this over and done with. Bad thing, I have absolutely NO idea camaner nak abbiskan.....berniat jugak di dalam hati biarlah raya tahun ni dah selesai everything to do with phd ni...no more worries and anguish. Siksa betul, especially bila dah balik dengan segala beban tugas kerjaya, keluarga. Histeris gue! Janji nk bagi the bulk next week. NEXT WEEK? mmg la cam tak waras jee kan, but I have to push my sorry a** jugak, si pemalas ni kan? Let's do it then! To infinity and beyond!!!!!
1 comment:
yeah you go girl...hopefully by the time you read this the owl has send the required bulk to Prof...lets not welcome the howler...is baad!!!
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