Ada lagi 15 minit before kelas commence. So saja jalan2 tgk jedi masters yang lain di alam siber. Chi Yan g naik mata-mata during the weekend, hmm that wd be fun... dh lame x g jalan 2 kat kl or sumwhere yg dekat...x actually tgk surroundings n appreciate it, kalau ikut that definition ambah hari2 tgk very nice views kat kebun die kat bawah sana tuh.. We should actually, tgk dan selami persekitaran, sementara masih ada that is. Saja bubuh gambo ct, mlm tadi tgk sikit that Genting do, tekejut tgk ct dh gemuk but happy... semangat gitu.. Other than that, cbuk nk siapkan exam question, finally switch off the laptop kul 12.30, bangun balik pukul 4.30, so I am understandably cranky today...Nothing clever to say today...in my mind, the sheeps are preparing to jump over the white picket fence.., must....hold....on....
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