Thursday, May 14, 2009


I look at organization as the skills needed to actually go through my life on a daily basis..Macam semalam, hubby nak kene pegi KB on work-related matters, flight at 1830. At 12.30 found out that semua seluar dia dah past due..dan tak sesuai nak no time to sew on the buttons or whatever lah 1330 moi ader meetg kat fakulti but hubby nak bawak seluar jugak .. so the solution is for moi g cari seluar die while hubby g amik anak kat sekolah and antar with 15 minutes to spare, raced to the nearest carrefour (mujur duit beli seluar die bagi ok?), buat supermarket sweep-like action and out of the carrefour in record time, of course I was still late to the Ijazah Dasar meeting by now, not with the absolutely torrential rain pulak yang turun after weeks of dry spell the moment I cleared off the parking bays..not amused... So balik office called hubby, who said he's on the way and was wondering (out loud) if I am able to drop him off kat Station University? A quick glance at the car clock... I'm late by 45 minutes now..what did I say to my hubby? What could I say is the, yes, I'll send him off, come whatever...and was back at the office exactly an hour into the meeting...sampai bilik meeting, soaking wet, kak siti cakap "meeting dah abbis la puan"...! Such is life.. I plonked down one of the seats after helping myself to a heaping bowl of soto ayam, suddenly remembered that I hadn't eaten anything since time wasted you say..I don't think so..I had long ago accepted that we can never please EVERYBODY all at the SAME there...

1 comment:

M-O-M said...

aku baca pun deras semacam like i can help you racing the time kalau aku baca cepat...muahahah. reality bites along!