Friday, May 08, 2009

No man is an island?

Was thinking of keeping more regular tabs on my blog, found out that that is not so realistic. am so busy like nobody's business! balik rumah ambah pun kadang tak sempat..apa yang busy sangat u ask? That is actually a tricky question. I was on a whirlwind tour of Perlis last Labour Day, more of a tsunami than anything else. Yang's daughter punya wedding. Penat tak abbis lagi pegi Bogor pulak..Bogor is not under the Malaysian Flag..of course! Pun ribut jugak yang tu, pegi pagi balik malam hari yang sama ok? Not amused, like at all!! All this for what? Pleasing other people? Do we really need to please other people THAT much? Surprisingly, the answer you might find is, YES we do? I read somewhere that man is a social animal, and that man = island not the same..what we do has a lot to do with what others' do, otherwise jadi hermit la somewhere or a recluse ingenue or whatever you call them..that's why telco providers are charging us like tonnes of Ringgit like each time we try to connect to others, and because it is our own innate reaction, well all the more reason for the telcos to smile all the way to the bank..I am thinking of something that involve only me, no one else, just a me thing.. found out that there is NO such thing...

1 comment:

M-O-M said...

yeah true, we've seen very little of you lately, not that u r that little..he he he.