Tuesday, July 22, 2008

The Post-Party

Ayat is soo bapak orang now..quite weird gak sbnarnya to think of ayat that way..anyhow, the wedding went on quite smoothly. It rained a bit pagi, but the sky cleared twrds lunch. I was very ecstatic bile my old, dear friend McZue from Besut singgah dengan anak nak masuk 6..she did not changed one bit! Anak dia yang sulung dah F1 kat Sri Puteri Cyberjaya, so she went down to pick her up for the monthly outing. So, reminisce some time sikit.

This posting just nak citer pasal the pelamin tak mak lang n whipped up..yang ni yang gambar before. As u can tell, mak lang is being creative lah kan...pakai jer backdrop sedia ada..tambah beli kain purple ckit. Yang the white frame tu cik pipa punyer. Kursi, ttplah ambah punyer.. so yang ni is the finished product. Finish la kann...we are quite happy with the outcome..not too shabby for mak lang and mak long the fan!


MamaOlish said...

yeay! was pretty cool actually the pelamin, we havent lost our touch,pakcik hasim must be proud. bless his soul

AS I AM... said...

yeah, what can i say...we do have quite a talent to deliver at the very end of time in any occasion. So there goes p.ngah ayat's wedding kudos and congrats to us all...

Anchaq said...

uh huh....I hear you sista, don care whad they say..

AS I AM... said...

picture of the foods? no lah i'm not the one whose responsible for the pictures lah...p.njang was..