Dah dekat sebulan tak post apa-apa. Have I been busy you asked? Probably..probably not. Stress level is quite high nowadays. Work load? Do not even go there mon ami.. many people annoy me, but do I annoy people back? Tak sure pulak. Maybe ada. Gawd, let's just try not to annoy too many people all at the same time shall we?
Hari ni tukar template, sebab dah bosan and trying to refresh my mind a bit, that's why pakai this template, minima ochre? what the..? is there no other? Any pointers? tak leh ke nak pakai background ultraman ke..
According to allthingsyun there are so many things that had happened post-party. Yup, went to Skudai for the graduation of PNgah, it rained in JB, so the mood is sombre a bit. G Alai dekat Kandang. Quite a nice neighbourhood. Quaint is the word I'll use.
Okey...so this is the ikea sofa I bought to try inspire me to work more in my room...nothing fancy, tapi ade lah therapeutical effect jugak (as in plenty of uninterrupted Zzzzzs !) Planning to invest in a bowl of guppy fish...but not quite sure yet...we'll rethink about the plan...now gotto go...mak lang and mak tam nak ajak g some undisclosed location...will sambung balik, whenever I feel like it.. ciao baby! U take care now!
oh so nice the so-therapeutic-couch!!! guppy fish?? why not, why not!
aren't u genius...the ikea couch n all...as for now, let just get our ass going to Kulim shall we...?koknie tetibe bole balik plak? what the hell?
the couch? yes...I KNOW!! It has been kind to me..;D
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