Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Laptop oh laptop

Baru tau frm my student, my laptop lepas CNY baru pulih dari demam virus. Hidup takde laptop sekarang ni dah macam pelik. Many of us guna laptop like some kind of extended nyawa, especially students lah, duit PTPTN la apa lagi...kan? Laptop lak kemain murah sekarang ni, compared to say 10 years ago. That time I remember, satu laptop siap ngan docking sekali tau baper adik-adik? RM10,000 maa! Sekarang 10 ribu dah boleh beli 8 laptop dah...OTT sikit. point really is about the interdependency ngan all things hi-tech ni. Dulu kita susah nk terima, but once dah terima dah rase tak boleh nak bercerai...cth cam hp la sekarang. Susahnya you commit your life to a machine... strange but that is how things are done now, ur responsibility in the hands of some entity... yang u can't see, feel, smell...On that note, good luck y'all

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