Dah nak seminggu since the last posting. Still recovering from the trauma of 'jumpa cikgu'. Makin nak balik Malaya makin selalu pulak cikgu ni nak jumpa tau! Sungguh la tension. Gambar ini diambil mase anchaq kat sini lagi, sekarang dia dah balik duk ngan ambah, tinggallah mama kene abbiskan school. Wondering if opot ever get round of finding this blogspot...Potty? Can you hear me!!!!
Tomorrow, jumpa cikgu lagi. Bila nak siapkan packing kekotak tu? Dan tension berterusan... Maybe anchaq will start school sometime soon... Maybe he will like school...Harapnye he does...
finally able to reach this blogspot thingy.. am very proud reading ur blog? be mindfull of ur tought le.. cikgu tu kan yg nak decide wether ull get ur phd or not?!! START PACKING RHE BOXES NOW.. THE PRESSURE IS IN.. beli la parfum bebanyak.. nanti boleh sembor kat sume orang.. nanti abih exam, boleh lah aku melangot depat komputer 24 jam buat blog nak kasik ko tgk.. durr.. cherio.. regards to sopi.. euh.
finally able to reach this blogspot thingy.. am very proud reading ur blog? be mindfull of ur tought le.. cikgu tu kan yg nak decide wether ull get ur phd or not?!! START PACKING RHE BOXES NOW.. THE PRESSURE IS IN.. beli la parfum bebanyak.. nanti boleh sembor kat sume orang.. nanti abih exam, boleh lah aku melangot depat komputer 24 jam buat blog nak kasik ko tgk.. durr.. cherio.. regards to sopi.. euh.
Ah, yes..FINALLY. Terpisat2 jugak aku sebenarnye dgn this blog thing? Tak de la teruk sangat kan? A bit therapeutic dont cha think? Looking fwd to bace the chronicles of Opot
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