Monday, March 19, 2007
Orang Baru Orang Lama
Minggu ni I am stuck here, in KL khususnye sbb I promised Soha that I'd do the explorace thingy. The result? Badan sakit, kaki blistered no hadiah mind, cos we came in after fifth so, there....tak masuk dah bende2 camnih. Would not want to go into the gory details of the tasks that we have to complete, a complete waste of time..Nope, I did not enjoy it, save for my lovely team members, sorry kita kalah...I was surprised (?) at how unfit I am...hmmm. Maybe tulah yang dikatakan Orang Lama...
Pak Ngah nyer baby akhirnya decided yang dia nak tenguk the world, the latest edition (and addition) of the Radzi's; Nur Wijdan Ilhami is finally here...Congrats Pak Ngah & Co. on a job well done! As u can see the baby is not at all bothered ngan paparazzi keliling diye, being already born a diva kan? So that's the orang baru part...the food was great jugak over the weekend at Pak Ngah's. Daging Black Pepper is ok. Balik dari Jalan Nong Chik g solat di Masjid depan KISAS tu, the one with very gothic/art-deco inspired archi, Masjid Sultan Suleiman. Mulalah mengimbau kenangan lama as a KIKian/KISASian, it was during my fifth form that KIK was renamed KISAS. It has been fun (although not all of it)...So that is also on the Orang Lama section.
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