Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Kerja, kerja, kerja..(ala Kembara)
Supposed to finish a lot of work, but apparently that is not happening is it? Nanti ada kelas, so kene prepare tu dulu. Ada circular suruh tgk2 kan student bermasalah. Masa bile pulak la moi nak cari those students. Smlam siap migraine sbb depa tak buat the assignment. Was I like that before? During my school days? So smlm dapat kuliah senapas free jerlah bebudak ni. I was so mad my voice was shaking. tepikir pulak if I was camtu jugakmase student, could not care less bila cikgu suh baca..tapi mase kat UK dulu cam nak pengsan a night before to membaca sbb esok ada seminar yang cikgu nyer suke bertanye...students nowaday? could not care less, apa agaknya yang jadi the main occupation in their heads, I would really like to know...bukan senang nak idup sekarang, belum abbis U lagi dah incurr debt, keje belum tentu dapat spt yang dihajati...yang dikecohkan reality tv shows jer kan..yang menguntungkan certain quarters jer..wake up people, before its too late..
Saturday, January 12, 2008
2007 has left the building...!
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